I am doing new things today-Day 5

Today I am going ice fishing. This is not something I would normally do but a friend invited me to come for their birthday. She’s from Wisconsin and is all outdoors all of the time. Her family is big into things like deer hunting and cross-country skiing and I am just this little vegetarian from the city that has never touched a fishing pole.

I like the outdoors but I am just not always good at the outdoors. I can hike though so we can’t count me out for everything that is nature. I was told it was an “eat what you catch day” so good luck to me. If I catch a fish today, I will update this with my winnings.

I keep having this thought that today is going to be 61 degrees and we are going to sit on a lake that is hopefully going to still be frozen. It wouldn’t be unlike me to somehow fall through the ice. *knock on wood that I don’t*. I don’t know, maybe I should bring my swimsuit and floaties instead.

3 responses to “I am doing new things today-Day 5”

  1. Oh man. Be careful on the ice then with it being so warm!
    Ice fishing can be super relaxing or very boring, depending on how you look at it. I grew up ice fishing, or trying to like it anyway, with my grandpa and dad. They even had a fancy ice shanty. It was not-so-much for me though. I’m too antsy to just sit there! Can’t wait to hear what you catch.


  2. I am the same way with nature, lol! Good luck today, can’t wait to hear what you catch!


  3. Good luck! I’ve never been ice fishing either. I’m not sure if I’d be able to sit and wait. Hoping you have a great time!


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